On the morning of May 18th, the 4th Lianyungang China E-commerce Development Conference and the opening ceremony of 518 Online Shopping Season was held. Leaders from the Ministry of Commerce, Provincial Department of Commerce, China International E-commerce Center and Provincial E-commerce Association, representatives of well-known e-commerce platforms and logistics enterprises both domestically and internationally and persons in charge of business departments in some cities attended the opening ceremony.
The main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee welcomed the leaders and guests attending the event on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government in their speeches and expressed gratitude to friends from all walks of life who have always cared about and supported the development of Lianyungang.(这种描述都是客套话,无实际内容。写法很奇怪,“主要领导感谢领导和嘉宾”,至少应该是某某某代表某某感谢某某吧)
“formed an e-commerce development pattern represented by Donghai’s crystal, Ganyu’s seafood, Guannan’s mushroom, Guanyun’s themed clothing, Haizhou’s sportswear and Lianyun’s cross-border e-commerce.” 这个段落实际上很重要,把各个地区的特色提炼出来了。但是这类句子适合先强调特产,然后写地名。为什么?因为英文读者不太会去关注地名,但是很容易理解特产。
所以,可以改为The city’s regions have developed their individual strengths in various areas, including crystal products in Donghai, seafood in Ganyu, mushrooms in Guannan, clothing in Guanyun, sportswear in Haizhou, and cross-border e-commerce in Lianyun.”
The annual online retail sales have increased by 10 billion for five consecutive years. 这句话少了货币单位yuan
第二篇,http://www.lyg.gov.cn/lygmhywwz/news/content/81d7674d-f949-4121-b4ac-44fd1a16e597.html 哈萨克斯坦江布尔图书馆连云港图书专柜揭牌 Recently, the unveiling ceremony of Lianyungang Book Counter at Jiangbul Library of Almaty, Kazakhstan was held. It is reported that after the establishment of a book counter in Akakiye Cai Rui Thali Batumi Public Library in Georgia, the local cultural and tourism books of Lianyungang once again went abroad and set up a book counter at Jiangbul Library of Almaty, Kazakhstan under the “Belt and Road” Initiative.
首先,一个应该绝对避免的错误是不要把国外地名人名等用汉语拼音翻译。这里,格鲁吉亚阿卡基耶·蔡瑞泰里巴统公共图书馆,翻译为了Akakiye Cai Rui Thali Batumi Public Library,这太奇怪了,怎么能有这种翻译呢?如何找到准确翻译呢?
我的方法是:首先这是一个人名,可以搜索“阿卡基耶·蔡瑞泰里”,搜到是Akaki Tsereteli,其次,巴统是格鲁吉亚城市 Batumi,这样继续搜索“Georgia Akaki Tsereteli Batumi library”,就很容找到应该是Akaki Tsereteli Batumi Public Library了。因此,可以确认 “江布尔图书馆”的翻译为Jiangbul也肯定是错误的。
其次,把这个句子从连云港的角度改写一下。因为无法确认图书馆的准确翻译,所以只能淡化处理。可以改为:Lianyungang showcased its cultural and tourism books at a library in Almaty, Kazakhstan, following a similar presence Batumi, Georgia under the “Belt and Road” Initiative.
http://www.lyg.gov.cn/lygmhywwz/news/content/3ab524b6-ef3b-4906-a536-724048026a44.html 目前翻译为Crystal Art Roving Exhibition of the “Belt and Road” Central Cities Held in Xinjiang
首先,巡展,不是roving exhibition 可以是touring exhibition
其次,因为太直译,所以没有明白这个展览到底如何翻译。实际上是水晶艺术展在一带一路的中心线城市举办,其中包括了新疆站。那么这个标题就可以改为 Crystal art touring exhibition makes stop in Xinjiang
As a funded project of Jiangsu Arts Fund in 2021, the crystal roving exhibition has a total of more than 200 pieces of crystal works of art, covering a variety of crystal crafts and highlighting the characteristics, style and prestige of Chinese crystal carving culture, which will play a positive role in improving the popularity and reputation of Lianyungang’s crystal culture, enriching the cultural connotation of Lianyungang as a strong pivot city of the ” Belt and Road” initiative, expanding investment and trade between Jiangsu and Xinjiang and boosting cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
这个整个段落是一句话,就是流水话。怎么改呢?两句话就行,一句话是事实(展览的基本信息),一句话是评论(属于解读)。可以改为 Sponsored by the Jiangsu Arts Fund in 2021, the exhibition features more than 200 crystal artworks in great craftsmanship and diverse styles. The project is expected to bolster the reputation of the coastal city as a renowned hub of crystal products and an important player in the initiative.

比如道路交通下面列举了铁路规划,但是实际上过了这么多年,连淮扬镇铁路早开通了。另外的节点Business Environment,也是2016年更新的。关于连云港市的基本介绍也是2016年的,很多数字,比如人口面积等,实际上中文都有了更新。