
柳州市政府网的英文版http://english.yun.liuzhou.gov.cn,新闻栏目叫“Picture News”,也就是都是图片新闻。

第一,从选题来看,均为财经新闻,而且东风汽车新闻较多;个别新闻不适合翻译为英语,比如一篇报道是说柳州市被CCTV的几个栏目报道了多次。 建议适当扩充其它领域,特别是一些政策的解读等。

第二,从风格来看,都是中文新闻的直译。比如其中一篇“风行T5 EVO狂飚版试驾会”的新闻,很多空洞范范的描述http://english.yun.liuzhou.gov.cn/en_news/en_lznews/en_picnews/t19700101_3271913.shtml It is understood that since its launch, Forthing T5 EVO has quickly gained numerous fans.  这篇新闻自始至终都是用Forthing T5 EVO作主语,其实可以用the electric car, the latest model by Dongfeng等来代替的。


里面的介绍也有待改善,比如这句话,The industrial proportion ranks first in Guangxi, accounting for 1/4 of the total industry of Guangxi.,实际上可以改为The industrial output value of Liuzhou City accounted for one-fourth the total in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 或者Liuzhou City contributed one-fourth of the industrial output value in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 柳州市工业产值占广西壮族自治区工业产值的四分之一


Name of the City:  


Size and Population 

Historical Background

Cultural Significance

Economic Profile 

Tourism Highlights: 

Infrastructure and Transportation

Unique Features:  

Future Development: 

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