


Note that in Chinese, ‘Dizhen (地震, earthquake) Yuce (预测, forecasting)’ has a broader meaning from long-term seismic hazard assessment to the estimate of aftershock probabilities, which is different from the well-known concept ‘earthquake forecast/prediction’ used in international scientific communities. This difference, similar to the difference between the Chinese ‘Long’ (龍) and the western dragon, may be useful to understand the missions of the Institute, as well as those of the CEA. Due to similar reasons, before 2017, the English translation of this Institute was ‘Institute of Earthquake Science’.

请注意,在中文的”地震预测”具有更广泛的含义,包括了长期地震灾害评估到余震概率估计,这与国际科学界使用的常用概念 “地震预报/预测 “不同。这种区别类似于中国的 “龙 “与西方龙的区别,或许有助于理解地震所以及中国地震局的使命。由于类似原因,在 2017 年之前,该研究所的英文译名为 “Institute of Earthquake Science”。



BEA Building Efficiency Accelerator 建筑能效加速器

BEM Building Energy Modeling 建筑能效建模

BETTER Building Efficiency Targeting Tool for Energy Retrofits 节能改造建筑能效目标制定工具

BPIE Building Performance Institute Europe 欧洲建筑性能研究院

BTUS Building Technologies and Urban Systems 建筑技术与城市系统

C40 The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group C40 城市气候变化领导小组

CABEE China Association of Building Energy Efficiency 中国建筑节能协会

CBP China Building Programme 中国建筑项目

CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳

DCAS Department of Citywide Administrative Services 全市行政服务局

DOE Department of Energy 能源部

ECADI East China Architectural Design Institute 华东建筑设计研究总院

ECB Existing Commercial Building1 既有商业建筑

EBEE Existing Building Energy Efficiency 既有建筑能效

ECSP Energy Consumption Supervision Platform 能效监管平台

ECMP Energy Consumption Monitoring Platform 能效监测平台

EE Energy Efficiency 能源效率

EFC Energy Foundation China 能源基金会北京办事处

EIS Energy Information System 能效信息系统

EMIS Energy Management Information System 能源管理信息系统

EMS Energy Monitoring System 能效监测系统

EPBD Energy Performance Building Directive 《建筑能源性能指令》

EPC Energy Performance Contract 合同能源管理

ESCO Energy Service Company 节能服务公司

ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program 能源部门管理援助计划

ETDZ Economic and Technological Development Zone 经济技术开发区



EU European Union 欧洲联盟

EUI Energy Use Intensity 能源使用强度

FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return 财务内部收益率

FREE Regional Fund for Energy Efficiency 区域能效基金

FYP Five-Year Plan 五年计划

GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值

GHG Greenhouse Gas 温室气体

GOC Government of China 中国政府

HQBD Hongqiao business District 虹桥商务区

HVAC Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning 采暖、通风和空调

IOSM Information Office of Shanghai Municipality 上海市新闻办公室

KgCE Kilograms of Coal Equivalent 千克煤当量

km2 Square Kilometers 平方公里

KPI Key Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标

kWh Kilowatt-hour 千瓦时

LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室

LCA Life-cycle Assessment 生命周期评价

LTRS Long-term Renovation Strategies 长期节能改造战略

M&V Measurement and Verification 测量与验证

m2 Square Meters 平方米

m3 Cubit Meters 立方米

MAC Marginal Abatement Cost 边际减排成本

MIIT Ministry of Industry Information and Technology 工业和信息化部

Mtce million tons of coal equivalent 百万吨煤当量

MtCO2e metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent 公吨二氧化碳当量

MOF Ministry of Finance 财政部

MOHURD Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development 住房和城乡建设部

NOI Net Operative Income 净营业收入

NPV Net Present Value 净现值


O&M Operations and Maintenance 运营与维护

PIP CAT Project Implementation Plan – Computer Aided Tool 项目实施计划–计算机辅助工具

RE Renewable Energy 可再生能源

RMB Renminbi 人民币

ROI Return on Investment 投资回报率

SABR Shanghai Academy of Building Research 上海建筑科学研究院

SECAP Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans 可持续能源与气候行动计划

SECSC Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center 上海市节能监察中心

SHPDDB Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 上海浦东发展银行

SHB Shanghai Bank 上海银行

SMDRC Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission 上海市发展和改革委员会

TCE Tons of Coal Equivalent 吨煤当量

TSC Tons of Standard Coal 吨标准煤

URLCPMC Urban Renewal and Low Carbon Project Management

Center 城市更新和低碳项目管理中心

WRI World Resources Institute 世界资源研究所

ZagEE Zagreb Energy Efficient City Project 萨格勒布节能城市项目


“爱浦东、融世界” 如何翻译更好?

“爱浦东、融世界” 如何翻译更好?

“外籍人士融入浦东活动”的出发点是好的,但是将“爱浦东、融世界”翻译为To Love Pudong and to Integrate into the World就太生硬了。


  • 采用更意译的方式,比如Help expats feel at home in Pudong 或者Pudong, A Place You Can Call Home
  • 尽量对应的翻译方法一,比Embrace Pudong, Connect with the World
  • 有没有更有创意的方式呢?比如Pudong这个地名包含着P和D两个主要字母,那么是否可以这样写广告词: Pudong: A Place to Discover 或者Pudong: Proudly Diverse


参考资料:明代職官中英辭典 Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles


21皇太子 huang tai zi Heir Apparent

22 皇太子妃 huang tai zi fei Consort of the Heir Apparent

23 皇太子嬪 huang tai zi pin Concubine of the Heir Apparent

24 皇太孫 huang tai sun Imperial Grandson-heir

25 皇太孫妃 huang tai sun fei

Consort of the Imperial Grandson-heir

26 皇太孫嬪 huang tai sun pin Concubine of the Imperial Grandson- heir

三師三少 Three Preceptors and Three Juniors

27 太子三師 tai zi san shi

Three Preceptors of the Heir Apparent alt. 東宮三師 dong gong san shi; 東宮 三太 dong gong san tai

28 太子太師 tai zi tai shi

Grand Preceptor of the Heir Apparent

29 太子太傅 tai zi tai fu

Grand Mentor of the Heir Apparent

30 太子太保 tai zi tai bao

Grand Guardian of the Heir Apparent alt. 宮保 gong bao

31 太子三少 tai zi san shao

Three Junior Counselors of the Heir Apparent

alt. 東宮三少 dong gong san shao

32 太子少師 tai zi shao shi

Junior Preceptor of the Heir Apparent alt. 宮師 gong shi

33 太子少傅 tai zi shao fu

Junior Mentor of the Heir Apparent

34 太子少保 tai zi shao bao

Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent









发布时间:2022-07-28 (美团数据,蓬江区政府网)

外卖订单同比增长101.9% 咖啡消费率先迎接暖春

2023-03-20 17:13:01 来源:新华网 (美团数据)

咖啡产业“新一线”城市榜单 国产咖啡豆占据主流市场

2023年05月09日 11:17   来源:央广网   (满帮数据)




是的,比如The S&P GSCI Coffee Index, a sub-index of the S&P GSCI, provides investors with a reliable and publicly available benchmark for investment performance in the coffee commodity market. 标普高盛咖啡指数是标普高盛指数的一个子指数,作为一个公开可靠的基准,用于衡量咖啡商品市场的投资表现。请注意这里是商品市场,而不是经济活跃力。 相应的,还有云南的咖啡价格指数。







第二,中英文对比发布,而且把翻译人员和校对都写出来了,比如Yiwu Promotes Imports and Exports,(By Gong Shuhong, translated by Jin Haiqiong, edited by Kendra Fiddler) 这个标题实际上不太准确,因为整个内容只是前四个月的外贸数据。当标题用promote时,一般会把重点放在地方政府的具体措施上。



  近日,浙江省发展和改革委员会发布《省发展改革委关于印发2023年省重点建设和预安排项目计划的通知》, The Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on the 2023 Provincial Key Construction and Pre-arranged Project Plan by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission.