中国一些媒体特别喜欢借鉴外国人的口吻为某事背书,为此不惜掘地三尺也要找到个海外赞同者,似乎就此感觉良好高人一等了一样。看吧,洋人也敬我三分。实际上,在一个宽松自由的环境中,你非常容易指导各种各样的声音,但是这些声音是否是主流值得商榷。Martin Jacques此人曾经在国内很火,被邀请出席一些论坛等。在下面这个采访中,相蓝欣提出了一些观点。
the Chinese official world mistook Martin Jacques for someone with a lot of international influence, while in fact he’s just a marginal character who wrote a best-seller and has no home in the academic world. When newspapers in China publicly called him a Cambridge professor of political science, I think probably even Jacques himself was embarassed. There’s another [Chinese] guy who for a long time was an interpreter for the United Nations in Geneva, and was the first to copy Jacques’s theory about civilization, which he used to praise China’s superiority to the skies, and tried to prove it with tales of foreign travels that no one could verify. Such a person, whose resumé includes a part-time position in a foreign school not recognized by the higher-education system (called a “wild chicken school”), nonetheless became a famous professor in a well-known university in China!